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Writer's pictureHolly Stocks


Our Richmond OG Cycle Instructor, Keira, is becoming a Mum! Instructing all the way through to 37 weeks, Keira has inspired us all. We chat to Keira about the importance of listening to your body, and her top tips for riding through pregnancy.

As Keira heads on maternity leave, and gets ready to welcome her baby, we're farewelling her (for now!) the only way we know how - with a ride of course! Join us on Wednesday 30/8 at 6:30pm.

Keira, tell us a little bit about you and your journey at Inspire Richmond.

I'm so lucky to have Inspire and this wonderful community in my life. I started riding way back when this space was KX Cycle (we mean real OG days!) and have been a part of the journey ever since.

I initially took up cycling as an alternative to running while recovering from an injury, and from that moment forward, I found myself completely captivated by the experience!

I went on the transition from back row rider, all the way to the front row. I rode morning and night, regardless of whether I was having an exceptional day, or a challenging one. I left every ride feeling so elated, feeling accomplished, and with an adrenaline rush!

It was that feeling that motivated me to become an instructor; I wanted to provide the community with the same supportive, fun, adrenaline pumping, transformative experience I had. The ability to let go of the day, forget about being perfect, and sweat it out in such a fun, and inspiring space!

It's so incredible that you've been teaching all the way to 37 week! What do you think the main change has been for you, and how have you listened to your body?

I've noticed that I am not as strong as I used to be, and that has probably been the biggest mental challenge to overcome. I changed how I was riding, what I was focusing on, and tried to improve myself in other areas.

My technique started to change as my big tummy got in the way. It really forced me to focus on my technique, to accommodate my body's changes, and ensure I was adjusting. I kept learning and growing myself both as a rider, and an instructor.

I think it's so important to listen to your body. We don't always have the same ride as we did the day before - sometimes we are stronger, sometimes we are just not feeling it, and taking notice of this, and allowing your body to learn and adjust is just as, if not, more, important than bettering ourselves in every class. Your best looks different everyday.

What are you most excited for as a new Mum?

I'm so extremely nervous to become a Mum! But I also just can't wait to meet this little one.

How has riding helped you through your pregnancy?

When I found out I was becoming a Mum, it was not like the movies! I felt so confronted with what lay ahead, and how much my life was about to change. Don't get me wrong - I am extremely lucky and blessed to be in this position, but it was scary at the same time, and I was worried I'd start to lose the things that make me, me!

Having the community and that special space we create in that studio, is what has got me through this pregnancy. I still get to be me, I still have the experience that lights up my soul. I still get to ride, and be part of the special something that we all create in there. This truly has been the best part for me; I will be back in the studio as soon as the Doctor says so!

I'm lucky to have had a good pregnancy, and I put this down to the fact that I've been staying active and riding. I've kept my fitness up, and muscles strong, and know that I am doing the best thing for myself, and for my baby.

What's your top tip for Mum-to-be's looking to stay active and keep riding through their pregnancy?

Some days are better than others; listen to your body!

If I couldn't give 100% when I was riding, I would give what I could, and feel happy for giving my best. There were some days I needed to spin to help me get through - even if I didn't feel like going. I think the most important thing is to give yourself the time to keep active, even if it's a walk or a stretch.

Did you do any other exercises that you'd recommend?

I have been doing pregnancy pilates at least twice a week, and some pregnancy yoga at home. I need to stretch a lot more now to help my muscles, and it helps me sleep a lot better at night. This is a tip I'd recommend to all the Mumma's to be! Alternating this with spin has kept me stronger, and happier.

Biggest pregnancy craving?

I have to have fruit juice with every meal... this is very unlike me!

Also, I normally love salads, but since being pregnant, I haven't been able to eat them, and just crave salty potato cakes (or potato scallops for those of you in QLD!)

Thing you're most excited to do after giving birth?

I'm so looking forward to eating sushi, and ordering a yummy cocktail! Obviously, I also cannot wait to get the all clear to start training again, and get back on the bike!

And that brings us to... Will we be seeing you back on the podium?

110%, you will be seeing me back on that bike! This is my main goal on the other side of this pregnancy - I want to keep parts of who I am. Riding and instructing at Inspire is a huge part of this for me!


From all of our Inspire team + community, thank you for an incredible journey! We are all looking forward to riding with you again on the other side, and know you will be the most incredible Mum! You've INSPIRED us.

It's not goodbye, just see you soon!

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